Sunday, March 04, 2007

Beyond Good and Evil
by Friedrich Nietzsche

Cover and details amazon
Ebook edition

Started reading 7 January 2007
Finished reading 15 February 2007

Too deep for me. The premise is simple enough. Each paragraph gives a description of his theory on the whys and wherefores of good and evil. His emphasis is on the Western philosophical views. He does not give solutions but presents what he sees in society. He elaborates on the yardstick used to measure good and evil, as well as the rewards and punishments that ensues when anyone does one thing or the other. Ultimately, each person should be guided by what the majority of society has dictated. The decision taken by the majority might not be right all the time but as an individual, each person has his conscience as a guide. Everyone has the power to decide the good and evil parameters compatible with his outlook but he is still beholden to society's norms. He cannot embark on certain actions without considering the consequences to others. He has to weight the pros and cons and then only take the final step. He should also realise that he might be at odds with society and must be willing to face the consequences.


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