Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Singapore and the many headed monster
by Joe Conceicao

Cover and details selectbooks

Started reading 4 July 2007
Finished reading 8 July 2007

Singaporean diplomat perspective of three major riots that happened in that country. The Maria Hertogh case inflamed Muslims, the 1965 riots were triggered by frustrated Umno members who lost the elections in Malay majority areas in Singapore and the 1969 riots was a spillover of what happened in Malaysia. The author also adds in his personal experiences during the three events. That input gives the reader an inside on the effects of the riots on the ordinary citizens. The most telling statement might be from this paragraph in the book.

"It can be theorised that it was the fear of losing Malay special rights that ultimately led to the 13th May riots in Kuala Lumpur in 1969. Pragmatically, the important consequence of May 13th was a kind of ethnic pact that ensured the undeniable assertion of Malay rights. But as the Tengku said, “I am a Malay, and naturally I am their leader. But I have to see to the interests of the non-Malays too.” And this codicil to the principle of Malay hegemony last until today, whatever may be the permutations and combinations of its application."


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