Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Iran Awakening by Shirin Ebadi

Ebook version

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Started reading 1 June 2008                             Finished reading 23 June 2008

“It so happened that I believed in the secular separation of religion and government because fundamentally, Islam, like any religion, is subject to interpretation.”

“The last twenty-three years, from the day I was stripped of my judgeship to the years doing battle in the revolutionary courts of Tehran, I had repeated one refrain: an interpretation of Islam that is in harmony with equality and democracy is an authentic expression of faith. It is not religion that binds women, but the selective dictates of those who wish them cloistered. That belief, along with the conviction that changes in Iran must come peacefully and from within, has underpinned my work.”

Those two extracts from the book highlights the author's life long work and conviction. She is still there in Iran, but we are not sure how long she'll be allowed to continue as the ruling clique will always try to obliterate independent voices like hers. She has not given minute details of every facet of her life as I'm sure in that way, she is protecting others from facing the wrath of those in power.

May she continue her good work and hope against hope is able to see some of the fruits of her labour during her lifetime. Future generations must continue in her footsteps or even go beyond what has been achieved. That is the only way.


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