Sunday, May 13, 2007

I am Muslim
by Dina Zaman

Cover and details silverfishbooks

Started reading 29 March 2007
Finished reading 1 April 2007

As the writer says the book is a compilation of articles exploring her religion and people. The articles were originally written for malaysiakini, the online alternative news portal. As the readership for that website is limited, it is a welcome sight to see this book hit the bookstores.

Most probably the observations are still relevant today even though some of the articles were written a few years ago. Being a Muslim in Malaysia poses different challenges to different people and there are myriad ways of coming to terms with them. A whole spectrum of thoughts can be discerned from the articles reflecting the multifaceted face of Islam in this country.

The most arresting point would be the prevalence of a school of thought that says the officially accepted brand of Islam is the only true version of the religion. There are others who believe in different interpretations but choose to remain silent for reasons best known to themselves. The most potent reason would be the need to survive or keep face in this society.

I doubt any major change in the Malaysian Islamic viewpoint would come from reading this book. Those who truly believe that theirs is the only way to glory would just dismiss the many truths as mere hearsay.

Sad but true.


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