by Christopher Hitchens
Ebook version
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Started reading 2 September 2007
Finished reading 15 October 2007
The minor title says 'How religion poisons everything'. How apt. But as someone else says, faith is the cornerstone of religion. There are many atrocities committed in the name of religion, but are they the result of that faith or is it just human nature. The author opines that the bad and good of human kind would still be existent without religion. Religion has been hijacked by those in power to prolong their strangle hold on the rest of the community.
Those are facts. The author emphasises that there are so many facets of religion that can be debunked by the application of a rational and open mind. There has been numerous personalities over the centuries who have managed to find answers to the mysteries of the universe by applying their inquisitive mind to the problem.
That is what the author wants. Do not use religion as excess baggage.
This might not find favour with the religious establishment to say the least.
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