Tuesday, January 31, 2006

City of Glass by Paul Aster - Illustrated version

Picture from guardian books
Details guardian books

Started reading 2 Jan 2006
Finished reading 28 Jan 2006

This a multi layered story, a story within a story. The illustrations did not dissappoint. The reader is swept into a mystery with many unanswered questions. There is no happy ending but more questions brimming on the surface. The story starts simply enough, a writer who is asked to solve a mystery but along the way he loses himself into the mystery. There are questions on ethics and philosophy of life strewn throughout. Heady stuff.

Friday, January 27, 2006

A Shirt History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson - Ebook version

Started 1 Nov 2005
Finished 31 Jan 2006

Picture from randomhouse
Details randomhouse

The author brings back memories to anyone who has forgotten the science lessons during his schooldays. He adds further information on developments in science up to the present day besides giving a face to various personalities who have made their mark in the field of science. Some of these men of science are total unknowns outside their field of expertise. Their work, nevertheless has enriched our knowledge of the mysteries of the universe and their inhabitants. There were also men who were not trained professionally but because of their interest in certain fields have made significant discoveries. The author manages to weave dry facts with the human face of science. At the very least this will spur further interest in our fascinating universe.