Sunday, March 25, 2007

Comet in our sky – Lim Chin Siong in history

Edited by Tan Jing Quee and Jomo KS

Book cover and details selectbooks

Started reading 8 March 2007
Finished reading 23 March 2007

I did not even know who Lim Chin Siong was until I read this book. This book is a compilation of articles on his role in Singapore's fight for independence. I have always read about Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore. The two seems interchangeable since Lee Kuan Yew held power for almost thirty years. Now I know there are others who had a role in that nation's history too. Unfortunately, Lim Chin Siong was presumed to be a threat to the establishment, starting from the British era until the PAP held power in that nation.
Lim Chin Siong's fate seems similar to other figures who wanted to take a different path during those early years in the struggle for independence. He was a beaten man after spending almost all his youth in detention. A sad case but will always be remembered by his colleagues who shared the same dream.
We will always be left wondering what would have been the state of Singapore and Malaysia if the alternative parties had managed to gain power.

Palestine – Peace Not Apartheid

by Jimmy Carter

Ebook edition

Book cover and details simonsays

Started reading 12 Feb 2007
Finished reading 9 March 2007

The former president of the USA, give his insights into the continuing conflict in the Middle East. He gives background information on the area, its history and how the conflicts have been simmering since time immemorial. He was also one of the main players when Israel and Egypt signed their peace treaty. Alas, peace still eludes the region.
His main thrust is that we must never give up hope in order to achieve permanent peace. Of course, that is always easier said than done.
A well written book and he tries to give a balanced point of view which might not be palatable to all. But the truth can be unpleasant and we need to confront them before any progress can be made.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Brickfields: A Place, A Time, A Memory
by Balan Moses

Cover and details silverfishbooks

Started reading 1 March 2007
Finished reading 5 March 2007

A loving stroll down memory lane in the area where the author grew up as a young boy. He covers the sights, sounds and smell of the area in the 1950s and 1960s. He also gives a general historical background of the area and its relevance to Kuala Lumpur. He is definitely proud of the area and still keeps in touch with some of his old acquaintances. The last few chapters also highlight the changes since the last few years and how the old characteristics of the area may soon disappear permanently.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Karung Mutiara Al-Ghazali
Forward by KH A Mustofa Bisri

Book cover and details matamata

Started reading 26 February 2007
Finished reading 28 February 2007

This is Al-Ghazali, the sufi's take on how we should lead our lives, guided by the Quran and our love for the One. This slim volume of cartoons makes it easier to understand the principles that every person should adhere to in order to lead a meaningful life while on our temporary journey on earth. The basics are easily digested but putting it into action takes a lot of effort. Men being weaklings always fall back a step or two whenever he tries to move forward on his quest for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But he should never give up as the One is always there encouraging and helping each step of the way. We might not realise His presence but the signs that are everywhere bears witness to His omnipresent.
Orang Batak Naik Haji
by Baharuddin Aritonang

Cover and details penerbit-kpg

Started reading 20 Feb 2007
Finished reading 25 Feb 2007

The title itself is intriguing as most Bataks are non-Muslims. The author, a Batak, is a member of the Indonesian People's Legislative Assembly. His position would entitle him to all the privileges that goes with the job. But he chose to use the ordinary pilgrimage package and finds that it is not as bad as others say. He did get some help from those assisting the pilgrims as he is a known figure. In that sense, he straddled between the two groups. The haves and the have-nots. His observations on the shortcomings of the Indonesian pilgrimage agency and ways to improve their services are applicable to others too. In the end, each individual's determination to complete the whole ritual determines the success or failure of his pilgrimage. One's health is of paramount importance as well as keeping an open mind whenever something unexpected happens along the way.

Buku Kecil Instruksi Sufi
by Ben Salim

Started reading 19 Feb 2007
Finished reading 20 Feb 2007

Gems from a number of well known sufis. Reading some of the main ideas of these thinkers on issues of faith and the way to the Almighty is an eye opener. When compared to the heavy handed approach of some believers, the sufis approach seemed so simple. They emphasise the basics. The religion is stripped of all encrumbances and the bond between man and his Maker is taken to another level. We are reminded that He is the one that must be with us throughout our lives. Never deviate from that principle. Some might say they are deviating but for the most part they are true to the One. At least they do not claim theirs to be the only correct way to salvation. There are so many different paths towards the same goal. Alas, those who do not agree with your way tend to be those in power. Those in power in turn are intolerant of those who disagree with the established points of view. The struggle continues.
Demarcating Ethnicity in New Nations:
Cases of the Chinese in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia

Edited by Lee Guan Kin

Cover and details selectbooks

Started reading 9 February 2007
Finished reading 17 February 2007

Articles on the Chinese community's approach in being a part of each country, adapting to each country's unique circumstances. The community has a vision of its own on nation building that might be at odds with the government of the day. Each government's different methods of handling their Chinese population gives an insight on the prevailing thoughts when the action was taken. The community as a minority in Malaysia and Indonesia have different problems and challenges from their counterpart in Singapore where they are the majority. As it is, Singapore's unique position with a Chinese majority is an interesting case to study on its own.

The articles are worth glossing over. Continuing studies on the subject will definitely help to throw more light on reasons behind so many decisions that seem so unfair at first glance.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Beyond Good and Evil
by Friedrich Nietzsche

Cover and details amazon
Ebook edition

Started reading 7 January 2007
Finished reading 15 February 2007

Too deep for me. The premise is simple enough. Each paragraph gives a description of his theory on the whys and wherefores of good and evil. His emphasis is on the Western philosophical views. He does not give solutions but presents what he sees in society. He elaborates on the yardstick used to measure good and evil, as well as the rewards and punishments that ensues when anyone does one thing or the other. Ultimately, each person should be guided by what the majority of society has dictated. The decision taken by the majority might not be right all the time but as an individual, each person has his conscience as a guide. Everyone has the power to decide the good and evil parameters compatible with his outlook but he is still beholden to society's norms. He cannot embark on certain actions without considering the consequences to others. He has to weight the pros and cons and then only take the final step. He should also realise that he might be at odds with society and must be willing to face the consequences.

The Faith Club
by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver and Priscilla Warner

Cover and details simonsays
ebook version

Started reading 6 Dec 2006
Finished reading 5 January 2007

Three mothers from three different faiths – Islam, Christianity and Judaism meet each other regularly learning about each other’s faith better. They are not experts in their own religions so they themselves delve much deeper into their own canons whenever there are questions that could not be answered satisfactorily. Each of them has her own doubts and quibbles on how certain passages from their religious books have been misused. The misconceptions that are prevalent about certain followers of each faith are discussed and they also have a better understanding on how the untruths started. Sometimes they do have arguments which become fiery and feeling are hurt. They try and make concerted efforts to resolve the issue in an objective way. They do acknowledge that after all the years of discussions their friendship has gone stronger and would most probably survive the test of time.

A very good revelation on how issues can be resolved amicably. At least differences are accepted and each person has a better picture behind certain actions.

A definite must have book especially for those willing to take the extra effort to resolve conflicts arising from different perceptions of the same issue.