Sunday, September 30, 2007

Notasi Pendosa
by Acep Iwan Saidi


Started reading 24 September 2007
Finished reading 27 September 2007

A collection of poems with universal themes – humanity, love, calamities and sin. The title itself acknowledges that the writings are of a sinner. Well, a sinner in the eyes of whom? At least the words used reflect his true feelings. Nothing couched in double speak. Maybe the Indonesian language itself gives weight to each word in the collection. The images that come forth seem stark in places but it is a reality. The sepia tones of other poets are not here. Instead, we have bright sunlight illuminating the feelings of the poet. The self, to some might be selfish, but aren't all of us that way?

A different Chinese
by CQ

Cover and details kinibooks

Started reading 17 Sep 2007
Finished reading 26 Sep 2007

An overall general viewpoint of the characteristics of the Chinese in Mainland China as well as countries in South East Asia.

The author does not delve too deeply on the whys and wherefores of the race but more of his observations on the people he has met during his travels. This is a personal journey and he takes an example of one or two from each country to represent the whole.

It might not be a scientific method, but we do get an overall picture of this fascinating group of people and how they have managed to adapt themselves wherever they are. The spirit of the group who try to better themselves in other countries compared to those who remain make an interesting subject which should be studied further. How some have managed to assimilate and blend in with the local populace whereas others still stick out like a sore thumb will definitely require continuous observations and research.

A light hearted personal account. But do be patience with poor editing in some parts.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cerita pendek tentang cerita cinta pendek
by Djenar Maesa Ayu

Cover and details gramedia

Started reading 1 Sep 2007
Finished reading 2 Sep 2007

A collection of short stories on love and its many facets. In this collection, the emphasis is on the raw, physical dimension of those heart felt desires. The author pulls the reader into an intimate world where love is not pure but has many colourful shades. The deceit, manipulations and intrigue that permeates a love gone astray is shown in perspective. The imagery in this compilation defies the norm. But the norm might be better represented here.

Malaysia Public Policy Marginalised Groups
edited by Phua Kai Lit

Cover and details mph

Started reading 6 August 2007
Finished reading 12 August 2007

The marginalised have always been close to my heart.

Is this collection of essays worth the admission ticket?. A definite yes. Even though as almost always, it is not a totally comprehensive study on the subject matter.

If authorities in power are sensitive to the needs of this group, there would not have been a study of this nature. But changes would definitely take a long time to implement even with the best of intentions. Malaysia does not have the political will power to make substantial changes to the fate of the marginalised. Unfortunately, their fate will always be sidelined to the higher altar of quick and immediate profits. Projects which go through long gestation periods in order to correct the social imbalances would find no favour in the corridors of power. The prevalent mantra seems to be, everyone for himself and be damned with the consequences to others.

Long road to merdeka
by Kamarul Zaman Ariff

Cover and details mph

Started reading 8 July 2007
Finished reading 18 July 2007

Life in a village from the viewpoint of a boy who lost his father when he was still a baby. His involvement with the daily routine of a village until the time he goes to school at the nearest town. The backdrop is the years leading towards the Malayan independence. The story is written in a matter of fact style. It tends to be dull as it is more of descriptions of the events that took place. But the author tries to capture the atmosphere of the countryside during the 1950s. He highlights the major events such as the Emergency and the campaign towards independence. There is a saccharine sweet after taste in his story telling.

Singapore and the many headed monster
by Joe Conceicao

Cover and details selectbooks

Started reading 4 July 2007
Finished reading 8 July 2007

Singaporean diplomat perspective of three major riots that happened in that country. The Maria Hertogh case inflamed Muslims, the 1965 riots were triggered by frustrated Umno members who lost the elections in Malay majority areas in Singapore and the 1969 riots was a spillover of what happened in Malaysia. The author also adds in his personal experiences during the three events. That input gives the reader an inside on the effects of the riots on the ordinary citizens. The most telling statement might be from this paragraph in the book.

"It can be theorised that it was the fear of losing Malay special rights that ultimately led to the 13th May riots in Kuala Lumpur in 1969. Pragmatically, the important consequence of May 13th was a kind of ethnic pact that ensured the undeniable assertion of Malay rights. But as the Tengku said, “I am a Malay, and naturally I am their leader. But I have to see to the interests of the non-Malays too.” And this codicil to the principle of Malay hegemony last until today, whatever may be the permutations and combinations of its application."

The Stoning of Soraya M
by Freidoune Sahebjam

Cover and details arcadepub

Started reading 27 June 2007
Finished reading 30 June 2007

Very sad and disturbing real life account of what is happening to a Muslim woman in Iran and most probably in other parts of the Muslim world. This incident will unfortunately will not be the last as I'm sure even at this moment a Muslim woman or girl somewhere is being persecuted by the male members of her community.
This fact will always be the Muslim world's dilemma. Can it be called a dilemma or is it a case of the silent majority 's powerlessness in facing those in power. In Muslim communities it is almost always the men who have the power.
Some men who want to offer a different perspective to the whole issue will inadvertently be branded unIslamic and their views dismissed as heresay.
It will be a long and painful struggle for all level headed followers of the religion. Keeping your faith and opposing the established viewpoint takes a lot of gumption and fortitude. I'm not sure I have that strength. I can only admire and say my silent prayer of approval to those who are in the forefront. My silent support will always be there.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

May 13
by Kua Kia Soong

Cover suaram
Details thestar

Started reading 20 June 2007
Finished reading 27 June 2007

A different viewpoint of the reasons behind the tragedy. The author uses documents that have been declassified as the basis of his theory that the incident happened because of a plot to overthrow the incumbent government of the day. He refutes the official version that says communist elements and the machinations of the opposition triggered the incident. The author proposes that instead it was elements within the ruling party which started the tragedy. Some factions in the ruling party were shocked at the losses during the elections and were hell bent in preserving the status quo. Eye witness accounts from the expatriate community and foreign news dispatches confirms the lop sided approach of the security forces during the mess. There was a decidedly racial basis from certain quarters in the way they handled the situation. The fact that the book has been permitted to go on sale in Malaysia shows that there may be some truth in the accounts. The government has not denied the findings.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A Walk Through Life
by Norma Kassim

Cover and details onlineislamicstore

Started reading 1 June 2007
Finished reading 13 June 2007

Issues and challenges through the eyes of a Malaysian Muslim woman. Her journey might ring true for many. An intelligent girl, gives up her own ambitions to devote herself to family. But we can only plan and hope, and she finds herself a single mother along the road. This event transformed her outlook on life.

The author tries to gain more knowledge and background information on her beliefs and sets out in this slim volume her points of view of so many relevant happenings in the 21st century that affects Muslim woman in particular. She is not on a witch hunt but more on a self cleansing journey.
